Sunday, June 23, 2013

Energy and Self-Fulfilment

Quantum Physics tells us that the universe is composed of energy. In other words, everything is made of energy - you and me included. The same theory has been put forth in Vedic philosophy, Qigong, and Reiki. What could not once be proven by Western science has come to be accepted by the same today.
I am a great believer in the theory that our bio-magnetic fields attract and repel other people based on their similarity or difference. Therefore, positive energy would attract positive-minded people, and a certain bent of mind would attract another like-minded person.
Has this ever happened to you? You might be sitting quietly at a party...and someone will walk up to you and start a conversation. Most likely it will be a person with a personality that gels with yours. It might even be that as you walk through life, you connect with some people slowly but surely, your network works to helps you achieve self-fulfillment, and the pieces of life's puzzle fall into place.
Please note that I didn't cite examples such as someone walking up to you and making unnecessary conversation when you are alone outdoors, at a mall parking lot/park/store/bookshop...trusting a stranger would be plain dangerous. Perceiving relationship-building in terms of energy fields calls for the usual amount of caution.
It is also true that our energy develops or stagnates depending upon our response to life's challenges. Just as the Hermit crab wrestles with his shell when he outgrows it, so also tight situations require one to respond proactively, and to thus grow.
Therefore, you might notice that old friends, whom you thought would stick with you for life, do not respond as before. It might have so happened that you and your old friend have grown at different paces, and therefore do not 'click' perfectly as you once did. Who knows? Perhaps you may meet 20 years from now, and observe happily that you gel once more!
Think positive. The destination is the same, but the routes we take are diverse. Again, it depends on how we respond to the directions. I believe some folks never do reach the destination. Is that why Vedic philosophy speaks of rebirth? It's worth thinking about...
Yesterday evening, my husband and I were fortunate to have met an enlightened person (Psst, we hope some of his positive energy rubs off on us!). He had some wonderful insights to share about Mother Teresa and her talk at Harvard University on June 9, to the class of 1982. One of the points was her observation that life in India may be difficult on many levels, but that life endures because of the plain simple affection and love within the community there. They make do with and appreciate what they have and just try to get on.
Well, as an Indian who grew up in India I must mention here that we did so because - rich or poor - we really had no choice, and then of course, one always tried to see the brighter side, as we still do.  
Even today, life in India calls for putting up with power cuts and water shortages in residential areas. Indians deal with it because they know that it is the government's way of conserving resources and making do with what is available (for now, let's not venture into corruption, redirecting resources for God knows what purposes, etc., etc...)

For example, during the tsunami of 2004, the Indian government relied entirely upon its own resources to recover, and did not take a pie from other countries. To quote another example, India has not taken sides in any conflict since 1947, and steadfastly remains non-aligned, unlike some of its neighbors who - greedy for material wealth, and lazy to work hard and earn it - have sold themselves and are now suffering great misfortune and unrest. They make life worse for themselves by attacking India scurrilously. No doubt the laws of the universe will teach them the right path.
But to return to Mother Teresa - she then went on to speak of the poverty of the spirit in materially rich countries and the importance of sharing with those less fortunate. Note that  she does not promote helping freeloaders or those who think that life consists of free lunches. She is referring to teaching a person how to fish and to pay it forward. To offer help and dignity, not just for charity or the 'hidden' purposes of religious propaganda. 
Another person - similar to Mother Teresa - is the American Father Richard Frechette, whom I was lucky to meet. He has dedicated himself to making a difference in the lives of orphaned Haitians since the earthquake of 2012. He began with one small orphanage that has grown to 4, and that sustains itself both on donations and its own cottage industry. Although a large audience had collected to hear his words, Father Frechette was most humble and retiring, almost unwilling to capitalize on his good deeds. Maybe he correctly feared that his good cause might attract 'predatory' assistance that would harm his children. He did not even ask for financial assistance, but just spoke simply, hoping to awaken similar noble intentions among his listeners.
Global business has much to learn from the words and deeds of such leaders. Sustainability, leadership, corporate social responsibility, diversity, effective cross cultural communications, strategy, conflict management - all have a place in today's global business. Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Joseph Murphy are some leaders who connect self-fulfillment with positive energy and visualization. At the same time, we know that business management is about not only value but profit as well.
If each person could key into the positive living propounded by these leaders, and if businesses could support a work-life balance, and give back to every community around the globe (where they have established their operations), perhaps it might help heal countries faster, promote peace and innovation, and boost investment and knowledge returns (E.g. - GE's 'reverse innovation').
I insist upon individual leadership and good citizenship because while global businesses are doing all of the above, it is being practiced only superficially, to satisfy some legal requirements. Observing the results of the chase for profit alone, research is now being conducted to determine whether pure Capitalism has a conscience. I believe placing this question in the context of the challenge of any hegemon's role would be more appropriate. 

Therefore, the importance of personal commitment. In this Global Political Economy where politics and media are controlled by corporates, there exists an ever present need for conscientious leadership. Just as politicians are made by the vote of the common man, so also big businesses can be made answerable to the vote of their own organizations.
This is already taking place thanks to the information age - the consumer force is pushing back and forcing corporates to design their products as per their needs (E.g - credit cards in the USA). The day will come when the global citizenry will question global business to strategize for the good of the world. I hope I can be of service to humanity in the move towards this enlightenment.

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