Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dude, Not Helping!

Remember your growing-up, impressionable years, when your parents might have resorted to periodic burlesque, jest, tomfoolery, antics, whatever? Your ears burned and your eyes ran along the floor for an escape from the visual embarrassment. You might have wanted to dive into the DeLorean and come back to the future at a safer time.

Well, we realize we might be entering this next phase in our life as parents - viz., to fool around and to be considered embarrassments by our kids. Ah, for those times during their toddlerhood when one could generally make an ass of oneself and still be considered excellent entertainment!

Dancing about to 80s disco has come under fire in our home. Forget about the dancing - my older son simply shrugged off the songs themselves! I stood there with my mouth open, feeling like a relic...or something on the way to becoming heart wounded as though I'd written those numbers myself.

He told me he likes quieter songs (this means no Def Leppard, Damn Yankees, Bon Jovi, Third Eye Blind, Incubus, Matchbox Twenty, Vertical Horizon, etc, etc,  either). Pink Floyd was received with a - "Hmm...yeaaaah...I guess it's ok!" - as he flipped channels nonchalantly. He is ok with Linkin Park as long as its the song from 'Transformers' ('New Divide'). Is this really my kid??

Apparently, he likes classical music (my eyebrows are raised while writing this), Simon & Garfunkel, Frank Sinatra...He digs Indian (Hindi film) lullabies from the 1950's. He loves "Lab pe aati hai dua..." (The Doon School song, which roughly means "This Prayer Comes to My Lips..."). He absolutely ADORES Cliff Richard. His favorites are 'Evergreen Tree' and 'Bachelor Boy'. Not saying that this is not great music...I'm quite democratic when it comes to listening choices...just that its a surprise and I have been learning about my son, slowly. It's a joy really, to discover little things about this person who is growing up.

Anyways, I felt very much like Michael Bolton in The Lonely Island's 'Jack Sparrow' - yup, those guys from SNL who are caught off guard by Bolton's passionate singing ("Dude!!!", "No!!!", "Not better!", "Ok, THAT was weird but now we're back in the club...") Their incredulous expressions were LOL! Here is the song:

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